I have been fascinated by the innate intelligence and beautiful complexity of the human body since I started teaching yoga in 2007. Very quickly, I found myself drawn to students dealing with chronic back pain, tendonitis, joint instability, and a variety of other injuries that were ultimately causing them discomfort and limiting their activities. I began to look into modalities of bodywork that would further my ability to help people heal their bodies.
In 2012, I completed my training at the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. I initially set up my practice in New York City and worked with professional dancers and actors, teachers, business folks, parents, and everyone in between. The age range of my clients has spanned from 1 month to 94 years old.
In 2019, I continued my studies by becoming an Advanced Rolfer. I spent 6 weeks with two master teachers in Boulder, Colorado deepening my understanding of this amazing body of work.
I began to study Craniosacral Therapy a few years into my Rolfing practice. I have found that people’s bodies heal better when their nervous systems are also attended to. I have competed several comprehensive trainings in both biodynamic and biomechanical Craniosacral Therapy and have also studied how to use this work to assist babies babies and children.
I live in north Seattle with my husband and my two young children, Layla and Simon. When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, being in nature, making crafts, gardening, reading, and studying more about the human form.
I love what I do. Rolfing, Craniosacral Therapy and Yoga all compliment each other in the ways that they work. They all peel away layers of stress, chronic tension, and other maladaptive patterns so that we can all be more connected to our bodies and healthier in our lives
BA, Oberlin College, 2004
YogaWorks 200 Hr Registered Yoga Teacher, 2007
YogaWorks 500 Hr Registered Yoga Teacher, 2009
Certified Rolfer, Rolf Institute, 2012
Completed yearlong Biodynamic Craniosacral Training, 2015
Certified Advanced Rolfer, 2019
Completed Core Series and Craniosacral Certification Series with Lauren Christman, 2023 and 2024
Maya in the Press:
VOGUE magazine, Massage Balls Are the New Foam Rollers: Reasons to Consider the Latest Muscle-Releasing Therapy
SELF magazine, 6 Health Issues Solved
YogaCity, Make the Form, Fill the Space with Maya Ray-Schoenfeld